September is Save Your Photos Month

September is Save Your Photos Month, sponsored by The Photo Managers, returning this year with free classes and useful tips for organizing and enjoying family memories.

Now in its 8th year, Save Your Photos Month is a worldwide event to help families organize, preserve, share and celebrate their photo & video memories. This year the theme is “Do You Know?” with topics ranging from Do You Know How to Organize Your Photos on your Phone to How to Share and Preserve Your Photos and Memories.

Experts worldwide share expertise in over 30 mini-classes, tutorials, and live discussions. Classes include tips on preserving your family history, choosing the best scanner, insider tips on Apple Photos, and more!

“We live in an increasingly complex technical world; yet, as human beings, we have not changed in our need to connect and remember,” said, Cathi Nelson, The Photo Managers Founder and CEO. “Yet most people report feeling overwhelmed with the thousands of photos they are accumulating. This month-long event is our effort to help simplify the process by offering expert advice in short bits of information.”